Hello, I’m Reinder. I live in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Creative coding websites

In my spare time, I created several websites where you can create generative art using code:


I created Rijkscollection, a virtual museum using WebGL that allows you to explore paintings and drawings from the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Based on your search terms, Rijkscollection generates distinct rooms, each containing a unique collection of art selected from the Rijksmuseum (blog post).

The RenderQueue

The RenderQueue is a collection of creative coding experiments (using WebGL and WebGPU) by Johan Holwerda and me.

Find me on the web


The best way to keep up with my activities is to follow me on Bluesky: @reindernijhoff.net.

I also have two backup account which I will probably close/delete in the near future:


You can reach me by email at reinder@infi.nl.