On this page, you will find a list of NPM packages that I have created and maintained. I never use external NPM packages myself, so I try to keep my own packages at least dependency-free. The source code of the packages can be found on GitHub.
If you have encountered bugs, have feedback, or would like to request new functionality, please let me know.
1.0.7 • MIT • package • repository
Compile and play code (ditties) from Dittytoy.net, an online platform that allows you to create generative music using a minimalistic javascript API. Zero dependencies.
1.2.0 • MIT • package • repository
The fast-image-sequence-renderer is a powerful package that allows you to display a sequence of images at a high frame rate on your website. Zero dependencies.
2.4.1 • MIT • package • repository
The image-effect-renderer is a lightweight package that allows you to run WebGL fragment shaders in your website using WebGL. It can be used to apply effects to HTML images or video sources. Zero dependencies.
2.1.1 • MIT • package • repository
The panorama-renderer is a lightweight package that allows you to render equirectangular panoramas using WebGL.